fairy tale hotel mosel

Our fairy tale rooms

The themed hotel is made of individually named rooms, each sculpted like a different fairy tale. With charm and character, each room will transport you to a magical world. We offer many packages to make your stay in Bernkastel a pleasant experience and lets you take in the wine culture of the region.

Our goal is to make our guests feel like royalty, and to animate them to go out and explore this great wine growing region.

view the rooms

The wine of the Gods

The wine of the Gods

2 nights
breakfast from the buffet
gourmetevening with in participation of wine (6-courses)
visiting of the vinothek and the winemuseum
wine-tasting at a winemaker´s premises

Price p.p. from

210,- €

Christmas lights

Christmas lights

2 overnights stays with breakfast at the fireside
raclett evening with wine tasting
fine menue (3-courses)
Saunaevening wiht honey treatmment
romantic-bath for two with drinks and snacks

Price p.p. from

219,- €



5 nights with breakfast
5*half board
big fireworks
winegrower parade
daily music events…

Price p.p. from

410,- €



3 nights in a romatic room with breakfast from our buffet or breakfast in bed
* champagne reception with fresh flowers, fresh fruit and a sweet surprise
* romantic bath in our spa or a jacuzzi session
* one gourmet dinner in our restaurant (5 courses)

Price p.p.

359,- €


Our arrangements

Our flat-rate arrangements bundel all the highlights of the wine culture and landscape of the Moselle region. Here you will find a multitude of offers for your getaway for any time of the year.

Among other things, we offer winetasting, romantic baths for couples, sightseeing flights, gourmet menus, candle-light-dinners, trips to gatherings, couple-wellness, breakfast at an open fireplace, rides in historical carriages, and more. The Märchenhotel becomes especially cozy in the cooler seasons.

View Arrangements


One night in paradise

One night in paradise

1 night in a romantic room
* a jacuzzi session in the afternoon in our spa with champagne and canapes
* Candle light 5 course meal with corresponding wines
* ...

Price p.p.

199,- €

Romantic Moments

Romantic Moments

* a bottle of "Rotkäppchen"-sparkling wine with canapés
* 2 nights with breakfast from the buffet or in your room
* 1 three-courses-dinner




3 nights in a romatic room with breakfast from our buffet or breakfast in bed
* champagne reception with fresh flowers, fresh fruit and a sweet surprise
* romantic bath in our spa or a jacuzzi session
* one gourmet dinner in our restaurant (5 courses)

Price p.p.

359,- €

New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve

4 nights with breakfast
* 3 feasts
* extendet breakfast at new year's day
* guest reception by the mayor of Bernkastel
* "Sternstunde" Gala Menu on New Years eve from 7.30 p.m.

price p.p. from

365,- €


Our restaurant

The restaurant with a romantic and pleasant atmosphere, with the best that the kitchen and cellar have to offer: Every evening, only the finest.

Classic gourmet dishes, regional and international specialities, served with the perfect Riesling wines: mouth watering!

to the restaurant

Wellness & Dining

Wellness & Dining

whirlpool in private atmosphere with sprakling wine

afterwards a 3-courses Candle-Light-Menu in our restaurant „anno 1640“ with a bottle of Riesling-wine

79,- €

Romantic Moments

Romantic Moments

* a bottle of "Rotkäppchen"-sparkling wine with canapés
* 2 nights with breakfast from the buffet or in your room
* 1 three-courses-dinner


Christmas lights

Christmas lights

2 overnights stays with breakfast at the fireside
raclett evening with wine tasting
fine menue (3-courses)
Saunaevening wiht honey treatmment
romantic-bath for two with drinks and snacks

Price p.p. from

219,- €



3 nights in a romatic room with breakfast from our buffet or breakfast in bed
* champagne reception with fresh flowers, fresh fruit and a sweet surprise
* romantic bath in our spa or a jacuzzi session
* one gourmet dinner in our restaurant (5 courses)

Price p.p.

359,- €


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