General Terms and ConditionsGeneral Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

Provided that nothing different has been agreed, the room you reserve will eb available for you from 15:00 on the day of arrival until 11:00 on the day of departure.

Unless we expressly agree a later time of arrival, we may allocate your room to another guest if you do not arrive by 18:00.

Non-utilization of contractually agreed services will result in the guest having to pay the following cancellation fees; up to 60 days before arrival, no fee. 60 – 30 days before arrival, 60% of the booking fee. 30 – 0 days before arrival, 80% of the booking fee. No show with notification, 100% of the booking fee. We offer a low price trip cancellation insurance to avoid these costs should there be a problem. We only accept foreign bookings with the credit card number.

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